ADN Receives Estate Gift
MHS Association Estate Gift to Support Work of Anabaptist Disabilities Network
MHS Association Estate Gift to Support Work of Anabaptist Disabilities Network
Field Associate Sarah Werner reviews the anabaptist baptism & membership curriculum for adults with intellectual disabilities.
Chris Esau and Patty Andres share their baptism testimonies, with a short reflection by Chaplain Mike Gilmore.
Emily Krabill talks about baptism, church, God, and what it means to belong.
How a Sunday School class for intellectually disabled adults in PA connected with a school for disabled children in Ukraine.
Accessibility Services, Equipping Session, Giveaways, and more!
Jasmine Duckworth grapples with the idea of prayer and healing in the context of her chronic illness.
Mindfulness Training for Those Living with Dementia, Chronic Illness, or an Aging Brain.
Register for We Are Able 2024
Church volunteers who work in faith formation are called to help the gifts of all children, youth, and adults shine.