ADN Receives Estate Gift
MHS Association Estate Gift to Support Work of Anabaptist Disabilities Network
MHS Association Estate Gift to Support Work of Anabaptist Disabilities Network
In this collaboration with Mennonite Women USA for Disability Pride Month, Sarah Werner redefines her disability as something to be proud of, not something to be ashamed of.
ADN’s free tool to assess a church’s accessibility to people with disabilities and mental illness.
Jennifer Svetlik recounts Salford Mennonite’s initiatives toward greater accessibility and inclusion.
Pastor Nathanael Hofstetter Ressler offers tips for congregations beginning to accommodate for mental illness and support mental health.
Immanuel Mennonite Church’s experiences auditing their accessibility and addressing their congregation’s barriers to belonging.
Waterford Mennonite Church’s experience forming a disabilities committee and filling out the Congregational Accessibility Survey.
M.Div. student Michelle Robichaud offers a few ways churches can support lonely youth who lack a feeling of connection.
Mennonite Church USA unanimously votes to grow in accessibility for people with disabilities.
Keith Dow, Katie Smith, Leonard Dow, and Jeanne Davies discuss practices of sharing joys and hardships in the church community.