an elderly white woman using a walker emerges from a lift.

Litany of Dedication

Litany of Dedication for the Accessibility Lift
New Creation Fellowship Church, February 19, 2023
Written by Audrey Ratzlaff

Person 1: You are welcome in this place! Each week we proclaim these words as one expression of our mission statement that as a community, we are called to invite and embrace all people with God's love.

ALL: All are welcome in this place!

Person 1: Today, we dedicate this lift to God's work of loving and welcoming others in our community.

Person 2: We give thanks for the love of God that we have received.

Person 3: We give thanks that we have this opportunity to demonstrate and embody God's love.

Person 4: We give thanks for this space–and all who enter its doors.

ALL: Thanks be to God!

Person 1: This was a project of many hands, many heads, and many hearts.

Person 2: Many hands demolished the old and constructed the new.

Person 3: Many heads planned and organized what needed to be done.

Person 4: Many hearts, inspired by God's love, shared their resources of time, finances, and prayer.

ALL: We open our hands, our heads, and our hearts.

Person 1: This lift expresses our desire to be a community that connects people,

Person 2: that removes barriers,

Person 3: that asks questions and adapts behaviors,

Person 4: that offers true belonging to God's many people.

Person 1: We've worked to make our building accessible to those with mobility issues, but there is still more work to do to be a fully inclusive community. So, as we dedicate the lift,

ALL: we rededicate ourselves to this work of inviting and embracing, welcoming and including.

Person 1: By using this lift for all our ministries and in our ongoing life as New Creation Fellowship Church, may we continue to discern how to follow Jesus,

Person 2: build friendships and kinships,

Person 3: call forth and honor each other's gifts,

Person 4: and value each person and all people, for they are created by God.

ALL: All are welcome in this place! Thanks be to God!

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