I am Here
A Note from the Editor:
When Ann wrote “I am Here,” she hoped to help people understand that she is listening, and she understands what those around her say and do. Even when people cannot communicate verbally, they are intelligent, and they have gifts to share. We must recognize the humanity of those with disabilities, sitting next to them and saying directly: “I am glad that you are here.”
I see the people walk by me
as my one-on-one checks on me.
Most ignore me as they talk, laugh, and yell;
some ignore everyone else too.
I wonder if they even know I'm here
I am here.
Some of them stare at me
like I'm putting on a show.
I am not sure that my strange mannerisms
entertain or bother them,
but they do know that I am here.
I am here.
I am here; I am here.
I am here and I may not be like you, but
still I'm here; I am here.
A nice lady wearing plaid
walks over and talks to my staff;
telling her how sweet and dedicated she must be
to work with me-
it's me, and I am here.
I am here.
A handsome young man comes over
to flirt with my one-on-one.
She enjoys this attention as she smiles and giggles;
and they both seem to forget I am here.
I am here.
I am here; I am here.
I am here and I may not be like you, but
still I'm here; I am here.
You may not be aware of me; now that is okay!
because eventually you will know
I am here; I am here.
I am here.
What they don't know is that I hear and see everything.
I am aware of all that goes on, and I smile to myself.
And I'm happy to say, "I am here."
I am here.
I am here; I am here; I am so happy to be here!
Weird mannerisms and all, and it's a joy to be here.
Even if they do or don't know I am here,
I am here.
I am here; I am here!
I am here and I may not be like you, but
still I'm here; I am here.
Life is difficult but I still want to be here,
breathing the same air.
I'm here for my friends, for my family,
and- even if you don't know I am here-
I am here for you.
Still I'm here.
Interesting what you can learn
when nobody thinks you're paying attention.
Hearing some of your secrets; you have a lot of opinions and thoughts
So do I, as I am here.
I am here; I am here!
I am here and I may not be like you, but
still I'm here; I am here.
I would love to have you hear
my opinions and my thoughts.
Get past my weird mannerisms- we have a lot in common.
as I do know: you are here.
You are here.
My vocal sounds annoy you- I know; they annoy me too!
Let's get past that and we can enjoy our time together
on this beautiful earth.
We are here; we are here.
You may not be aware of me; now that is okay
because eventually you will know that
I am here; I am here; I am here.
I am here; I am here!
I am here and I may not be like you, but
still I'm here; I am here.
still I am here;
I am here; I am here.

Ann Hamlin is autistic and non-verbal. She uses an iPad and talking board to communicate. Ann’s dad, Bob Hamlin, attends the Neighborhood Church of the Brethren in Montgomery, Illinois, where she feels warmly welcomed.