After We’re Gone
Attorney Jennifer Lile and Stewardship Consultant Lyle Miller discuss the unique aspects of estate planning for families of those with disabilities.
Attorney Jennifer Lile and Stewardship Consultant Lyle Miller discuss the unique aspects of estate planning for families of those with disabilities.
MHS Association Estate Gift to Support Work of Anabaptist Disabilities Network
ADN’s free tool to assess a church’s accessibility to people with disabilities and mental illness.
Accessibility Services, Equipping Session, Giveaways, and more!
Mindfulness Training for Those Living with Dementia, Chronic Illness, or an Aging Brain.
Register for We Are Able 2024
Webinar with Bonnie & Lyle Miller on welcoming families impacted by disability and neurodiversity.
ADN field associates Bonnie Miller and Denise Reesor and executive director Jeanne Davies discuss exploring membership with people who have intellectual disabilities.
Dr. Sarah Jean Barton and Jeanne Davies discuss baptism and church membership with particular attention to people with intellectual disabilities.
Believing and Belonging: an accessible Anabaptist membership curriculum